

a piano chord的相關標籤

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關於a chord piano的評價,

16歲的時候第一次寫歌,當時寫了兩首歌…..一樣的chord但兩種感覺….鋼琴譜已經不見了,但竟然還記得兩首歌的Intro😂 還記得一首歌是寫給當時暗戀的男生的…..你們猜猜是開心的那個還是悲傷的那個...

關於a piano chord的評價,

16歲的時候第一次寫歌,當時寫了兩首歌…..一樣的chord但兩種感覺….鋼琴譜已經不見了,但竟然還記得兩首歌的Intro😂 還記得一首歌是寫給當時暗戀的男生的…..你們猜猜是開心的那個還是悲傷的那個...

我會想念他 - 何雁詩 @honganc Full version on YouTube (link in bio) . . 其實呢一首歌,我喺佢未正式出街嘅時候喺音樂節目拍攝當中聽過。真心非常之入耳,同埋就算Step嗰日有啲唔舒服 (有試過唱唱下因為咳要停止),佢把聲嘅穿透力都令人好易感受到首歌想表達嘅感覺同意思。其實聽頭一兩次都已經想跟住個副歌唱 Haha 但係點解要係 F# Major 😖 首歌咁新好難喺網上面搵到 chord, 所以好多都要自己搵。自己搵chord搵得咁辛苦,冇理由之後轉Key唔彈嘅。呢次應該係我人生第一次用呢個Key嚟彈琴,仲要係自彈自唱 🎹 我盡咗力㗎啦 😅 The E# dim and Aug chords though... . . If you think playing piano and singing at the same time is hard, try doing it while playing in F# major and having to figure out a large amount of the chords on your own (not the straightforward kind 🤯) Yeah...it's a whole new level of difficult that's new to me lol I think I levelled up after this recording 💪🏻 Keep learning and growing, then take on bigger challenges 😎 . . Thanks @johnnyng2004 yet again for letting me use your studio space after hours to record this cover 🙏🏻🤗 . . . . . #我會想念他 #何雁詩 #stephanieho #牛下女高音 #片尾曲 #freeyonmusic #music #hkmusic #hksinger #cantopop #singer #cover #sonya7iii #addoil #focus #2019covers #22of26 #4more #bigprojectcomingup #繼續練琴 #繼續練唱歌 @the_voice_ent

我會想念他 - 何雁詩 @honganc Full version on YouTube (link...